Shinki's stage was god awful too, I can't beliew how hard I blew it, I think it killed my score. How much time do you guys think it will take for HM to be translated? I'm not sure if it's the case now as point items aren't worth a whole lot in the grand scheme of things. After it is installed, then feel free to work with it. Makes me want to give this script another go, especially now that I know you can actually practice individual stages. touhou danmakufu phantasm romance

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Touhou Danmakufu is a scripting engine for Danmaku games.

I'm not sure if it's the case now as point items aren't worth a whole lot in the grand scheme of things. Except the easiest of all the ex4 spells, I screwed up right at the start, derp derp. Thanks, I was looking for info regarding phantasm romance specifically, doh.

touhou danmakufu phantasm romance

Framerate 1 - Ghaleon - , - All Ex3 - I kinda gave up with that after every game seemed to not work with each version of mame I got, and the one version of mame I had that seemed to work with everything wouldn't let me stage practice via states at all. User Defined Key Shift: Please login or register.

Touhou danmakufu phantasm romance download

Oh yeah, I forgot toouhou. Usually, it goes right into the script folder. I was actually trying to get a score for that game, and failed pretty bad I guess.

February 20, Listed in approximate order of release date.

[Touhou] Touhou Danmakufu [東方彈幕風 幻想浪漫紀行 Phantasm Romance](JPN) Download

All games on this page, unless otherwise stated, are doujin. I captured all her spellcards except the blinding light bs one. Name - Score - Stage - Character - Avg. Return to Title I: Everyone is too scared that they make newbie mistakes other people know not to do. Important Information We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better.

I've done it but it wasn't very pretty. Instead, if you lose your last life there, the game will ask you if you want to romanfe a replay the default option at the top means "Yes".

Phantasm Romance Plus

Pressing X will skip back touhiu the initial menu without saving a replay, so be careful about it. I'd really like to encourage EX4 scores, as Jaimers once mentioned that Touhlu is currently more advantageous for score, and am really considering having 4 more subcategories.

Also, you CAN play Ex3 and Ex4 on normal difficulty, you just can't fight sakuya or Remi on normal it's Youmu and Suika regardless of if you did yukari or not. What is Touhou Danmakufu?

Framerate 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - Another Mode Name - Score - Stage - Character - Avg. Put it somewhere where it is easily accessible. That scoring system sounds pretty normal I guess except: Shinki's stage was god awful too, I can't beliew how hard I blew it, I think it killed my score. Please do not sell Touhou fan games for profit indie is not doujinor you eomance be shut down by ZUN.

touhou danmakufu phantasm romance

And to boot I almost captured her final non bonus spellcard. Shinki is a rather fun boss, damnakufu Reimu is rather dull. How much time do you guys think it will take for HM to be translated? Ghaleon on February 11, Jaimers, can I ask you for replays of your ReimuA playthroughs so I can add them to their first place categories?

touhou danmakufu phantasm romance

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